We drive, you build

We supply our customers with quality products with attractive design and competitive prices to meet different requirements. We are looking forward to establishing a good and long-term business relationship with all customers from all over the world.
What drives us

our values

At Prulde, we believe in the power of our values-driven approach to help our customers achieve their goals. Our slogan “We Drive, You Build” represents our dedication to providing the highest quality power tools and equipment to drive progress and innovation in various industries. Our commitment to innovation, sincerity, cooperation, perfection, and excellence drives us to deliver the right tools and solutions to empower our clients. At Prulde, we are committed to driving forward while our customers build the future.


Embracing new ideas and approaches to continuously improve and stay ahead of the competition.


Being honest, transparent, and building trust with our customers and business partners.


Working collaboratively with all stakeholders to achieve common goals.


Striving for excellence in everything we do, from product design to customer service.


Maintaining high standards and delivering outstanding quality products and services to our customers.
Our Mission


Prulde is a rapidly expanding manufacturing company based in Zhejiang, China. Our extensive range of power tools and equipment is designed to empower people to live better lives. Our products, which include heat guns, paint sprayers, electric staplers, and more, are manufactured to the highest standards and are renowned for their durability, reliability, and ease of use. At Prulde, we are committed to providing our business partners with exceptional products, unparalleled customer service, and sustainable solutions that meet the evolving demands of modern business. Join us today and discover the power of Prulde.

Aual Production Capacity
Plant Coverage
Production Area
Take a look


Prulde works with innovative and new technologies. We are proud to have multiple locations which are up to the highest standards. We always aim to incorporate the latest technologies.


At Prulde, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality across all of our products. Our rigorous quality control processes ensure that all products meet the most stringent industry standards, while our commitment to sustainable and responsible manufacturing practices is reflected in our certification and compliance with a variety of international standards.

GS Mark minimizes manufacturers’ risk of product liability and provides manufacturers with the confidence that their products are safe, legal and of high quality.
C-UL-US mark indicates that the product has been tested to meet the safety standards of Canada and the United States by Underwriters Laboratories.
CE marking indicates that a product has been assessed by the manufacturer and deemed to meet EU safety, health and environmental protection requirements.
ETL Mark is proof of product compliance to North American safety standards.
UKCA marking applies to most products for which the CE marking could be used. It also applies to aerosol products that previously required the reversed epsilon marking.
Double insulation is a method of protection against electric shock, consisting of an extra layer of supplementary insulation over the basic insulation.
Quality Managment Standard
Quality Managment Standard

Our product range

Check out some of our top products!
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Mon-Fri from 8am to 5pm.
+86 579-89129333


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